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This is good. I couldn’t post an article on our Facebook UFO Disclosure page today! There are many possible reasons for that. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks it is because the subject pisses off the powers that be. After all, I did share something mocking “our reptilian overlords”!

Our reptilian overlords trying to figure out how their triollian dollar propaganda machine is being defeated by memes.

So why is this good? Apart from being hilarious, it is the reason I am back to writing blog posts! Instead of just lazily sharing other peoples’ URLs on UFO Disclosure social media, I should really be doing this right? So here we are.

Ok so what did I try to post? It was this URl on possible Dyson Spheres around 7 stars. So let’s secure our tin foil hats nice and tight and speculate here! The article tells us that scientists have spotted seven stars in our cosmic backyard that might be sporting what I am going to suggest are the ultimate alien bling; Dyson spheres. Honestly though, these megastructures could be the alien equivalent of vintage cars imo!

Remember Freeman Dyson’s wild idea from the ’60s?

Energy harvesting with a Dyson Sphere

Wrap a star in a giant energy-collecting bubble, and voila! You’ve got yourself a cosmic power plant. Now, seven M-dwarf stars within a stone’s throw (okay, 1,000 light-years) are flashing some suspicious infrared signals. Is it Dyson spheres? Or just some cosmic dust bunnies?

But wait, there’s more! What if Dyson spheres are just alien billboards? Picture this: Advanced civilizations flexing their engineering muscles, building massive structures just to say, “Look how awesome we are!” It’s like intergalactic peacocking, but with stars instead of feathers.

And here’s where it gets really wild: What if these energy-hungry aliens have moved beyond Dyson spheres? Imagine tapping directly into the quantum vacuum, surfing the waves of virtual particles and zero-point energy. According to Dr Stephen Greer, that is exactly what they have done!

In fact it is appartently something that is secretly being hoarded by elete humans on our own planet. These hyper-advanced beings might look at Dyson spheres the way we look at steam engines – cute, but so last millennium (or more).

But hold on to your spacecraft, because we’re about to go full conspiracy theory. You know that creepy cosmic ghost town called Barnard 68? Sorry its officially a big blob of gass. Yeah.. Sure.

What if it’s not gas at all? Picture an entire galactic empire of Dyson spheres, hiding in plain sight! A whole civilization, cloaked in the infrared shadows of their stellar tech.

Of course, buzzkill scientists say these infrared signals might just be from “Hot DOGs” – that’s “hot dust-obscured galaxies”. Such a boring premise!

We’ll need the awesome James Webb Space Telescope to peek behind the cosmic curtain, helping us to find out more of the truth about wehat is out there. We don’t really know what the heck is goign on with this stuff but let’s keep watching the skies – and maybe invest in some infrared goggles. The truth is out there, and it might be wrapped around a star!