Hidden ‘paranormal library’ in Palace as King Charles seeks “The Truth”


A Long-Standing Obsession

Did you know that the British royal family have been into UFOs for decades? Not just the former Queen Elizabeth II and her consort, Prince Philip, but King Charles III also loves UFO stuff! Charlie is a huge UFO enthusiast and has a library stuffed with alien conspiracies, crop circles, and whatever Earl Mountbatten left behind after reportedly hosting actual aliens on his estate. Maybe he didn’t host aliens; I can’t remember. Actually maybe he was an alien… or maybe the royal family are aliens.. I need to check my sources here 😉 I do know that Mountbattern did write Above Top Secret though, which is a prettylarge and good book on the UFO cover-up.

Secrets Rivaling the Vatican

So, just like the Vatican has their archives, as it turns out, Windsors also have their own little X-Files. Paranormal historian Richard Felix says the Royals’ UFO library could rival that of the Vatican’s!

An old newspaper clipping on King Charles’ young interest in UFOs, shown in the film (Image: Nub/YouTube)

The UFO library at the palace all started with Prince Philip, who was a huge fan of UFO literature, regularly corresponding with ufologists like a royal Mulder (X Files reference). He wasn’t doing it out in the open either; he would ask for his flying saucer magazines to be sent anywhere except Buckingham Palace. It’s claimed that the he subscribed to the Flying Saucer Review!

Did Prince Charles Pilot a UFO?

Rumor has it that a younger Prince Charles wasn’t just reading and asking questions about UFOs—he might’ve been flying them. Yes, in 1975, a Canadian diver claims he saw the then-Prince piloting an “experimental UFO-style craft” powered by “electromagnetic force”. The case for the royals being aliens… 👽

Nick Pope Confirms Royal UFO Obsession

While all this sounds like conspiracy theory, Nick Pope, former UFO investigator for the UK’s Ministry of Defence did confirm the Royals’ UFO obsession and that it has has long caused tension with the government.

Nick Pope, former UK Ministry of Defence UFO investigator

The Ministry’s stance on UFOs was “meh, no big deal,” while Philip and his UFO book club clearly thought otherwise. And now Charles, the new “King of UFOs,” is tasked with prepping the nation for potential alien contact—because, apparently, heading up the Church of England isn’t quite enough responsibility these days. So, when the saucers land on Buckingham Palace lawn, Charles will be ready to calm the masses with his decades of alien expertise. Trust him, he is human. Hes also relevant. Honest. And in touch. He can relate to you human subjects. Honest. Sure, the royals may have been accused of being “lizard people” before but that’s just a pun based on the former Queen Elisabeth II right (Elisabeth – lizzy – lizard)? With their secret libraries and strange craft. Just a coincidence right?

Prepping the Nation for Alien Contact

I think that the next chapter in the royal family drama might just involve UFOs, and Charles needs to start preparing us all to meet his family.. I mean the aliens… you know what I mean… to greet our cosmic overlords – or cousins? His cousins? 😉 👽👑

Check out the wee video on it here!

Check out the source article on The Express website: https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1938671/king-charles-UFO-buckingham-palace