UFOs Are Real – But Are They Really Demonic? Maybe They’re Just Playing with Gravity


Senior government officials supposedly refuse to investigate UFOs because they’re “demonic.” Yes, you read that right. Apparently, these senior Pentagon officials would rather not touch UFOs with a 10-foot holy water sprinkler. The counterintelligence officer Lue Elizondo—formerly tasked with investigating these phenomena—dropped this bombshell in his new book, where he describes the mind-boggling bureaucratic red tape surrounding UFO research.

But here’s the fun part: instead of dismissing UFOs as either little green men or religious boogeymen, let’s entertain something far more grounded in science. You know, that thing with actual math and physics? The one that occasionally gives us mind-bending concepts like string theory or black holes? Maybe—just maybe—UFOs aren’t demonically possessed Frisbees but something way more sophisticated, playing 4D chess with our 3D understanding of the universe.

Gravity: The Real Magic Behind UFOs?

Let’s address the elephant (or UFO) in the room: how can these things pull off moves like 90-degree turns at Mach 5 without becoming intergalactic roadkill? It’s a fair question. And no, we don’t need to call in an exorcist to figure it out.

Imagine this: advanced beings (whether alien or otherwise) have found a way to manipulate gravity itself. What if, from their point of view, they’re not making these breakneck maneuvers at all? Maybe to them, they’re cruising at a leisurely 20 miles per hour, sipping cosmic lattes, while the rest of us see their ships as zipping around like they’re auditioning for Star Wars. How? By relaxing space-time around their craft. It’s like putting a little more energy back into space-time, allowing them to bypass inertia and gravity. Think of it as stretching an elastic band—except the band is the fabric of the universe, and they’ve figured out how to bend and snap it back without breaking a sweat.

Spinning electric fields, superconductors (check out Eugine Podkletnov’s claims), energy fields—they could be using all sorts of next-level tech to achieve this. Perhapse a rapidly rotating electric field might add energy back into space-time, neutralizing mass and inertia. After all E = mc2 In other words, what we see as a UFO making a mind-boggling turn might actually be nothing more than them casually shifting gears in a supercar we can’t even begin to comprehend.

The Demon Hypothesis: A Convenient Excuse?

Now, about that “demonic” explanation: it’s an interesting bit of lore that seems to have penetrated some government offices and of course society, but it’s worth asking if this is more of a cop-out than anything else. When confronted with the unfamiliar—especially something as perplexing as UFOs—some people reach for the most familiar tools in their belief system to explain it. That’s understandable, but also a little… limiting. If we allow ourselves to think beyond angels and demons for a second, maybe the truth is simply that we’ve encountered beings who understand the universe on a level we can’t yet fathom.

Isn’t it possible that these objects have mastered the fabric of reality in ways that render them immune to our traditional notions of physics? Maybe instead of being evil intergalactic pranksters trying to lure us away from God, they’re just advanced beings cruising through our reality with a better grasp of the science behind space-time.

An unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP taken from a US military video

What We Need Is More Science, Not Superstition

So, should we be afraid of UFOs? Well, not necessarily. Sure, it’s unsettling to think about objects zipping through our skies without the courtesy of filing a flight plan, but fear doesn’t need to be our default mode. Instead of leaping straight to spiritual warfare, why not focus on the fact that we’re standing at the edge of something remarkable—something that might force us to rethink not only the laws of physics but our place in the universe? It’s not demonic; it’s progress, or at least the potential for it.

As for those officials who argue that investigating UFOs would somehow jeopardize their religious beliefs—fine. That’s their prerogative. But for the rest of us who aren’t quite so easily spooked, there’s a lot more science to uncover here. Maybe, just maybe, these phenomena represent advanced technologies—ones that can unlock secrets about the universe we never thought possible. And instead of treating them like spooky bedtime stories, we should be asking the hard questions.

Is it possible that UFOs manipulate gravity, space-time, and inertia in ways we can’t? Absolutely. Is it likely that our best minds should be researching this instead of clutching their pearls and calling the pastor? Also absolutely. As the late Carl Sagan once said, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” Let’s get that evidence, and let’s stop being afraid of the dark—or the things flying through it.

url: https://www.premierchristianity.com/features/evidence-for-ufos-is-mounting-but-some-christians-worry-theyre-demonic-how-can-we-discern-the-truth/18112.article