Jose Padilla’s 1945 UFO Encounter Near Manhattan Project – New Mexico UFO Sightings


In the summer of 1945, Jose Padilla, a resident of LA County recalled a strange incident from his childhood. It happened in rural New Mexico, only 13 miles from the site of the world’s first nuclear bomb test, conducted as part of the Manhattan Project. Padilla describes encountering an otherworldly object. He firmly states, “That object — it is not from this world,” during an interview with KCAL’s Chris Holstrom. The U.S. Department of Defense will further examine this account as part of their efforts to expand investigations into UFOs (UAP in their lingo) and extraterrestrial sightings.

It can’t be a coincidence that this sighting is near the Manhattan Project location. It’s either top secret research or an investigating non earth techthing….

Anyway, check out the video on CBS News. Looks like UFO stuff is increasing in popularity, hence the more regular coverage of cases in the manistream media. I think that’s a good thing. What do you think?
A UFO sighting and the creatures seen by one man in the summer of 1945: “They walk like us” – CBS Los Angeles (